Facts about prostitution

Many people have questions about prostitution and the sex trade. I hope that I can provide you with some prostitution facts in this blog post.

It is important to remember that most times it is illegal to pay for sex. In most countries around the world, it is still illegal for prostitution. Some countries, like Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, it is legal to have sex with a prostitute.

In the United States, where I am located so I know the most about the laws, prostitution is illegal in most places. I say in most places because the one place where it is LEGAL in in Nevada. But just not in Las Vegas, where all the casinos are located. So if you gamble and win, and want to celebrate with a prostitute on the strip, then please be aware that you could get arrested.

A way that many prostitutes get past this is to work as "escorts". They claim that they are being paid for their companionship, and if sex does happen, then its because two adults wanted to have sex.

Unfortunately, many times prostitutes are victims of human trafficking. They are forced to work as sex slaves are are unable to escape. Many are forced to have sex with over 10 men a day.

I hope that you will use the resources I placed within this blog post to learn more about the black market sex trade industry.